  • Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Anna University – Chennai
  • Help Desk : Mrs.Menaga 95512 18000
  • contact@oasys.edu.in




The Central Library of Oasys Institute of Technology caters to the information needs of the institute faculty, students, staff, research institutions & industries. It has around 9000 plus books covering all disciplines of science, engineering, technology, humanities & Management Science. The collection comprises printed documents such as books, reports, and journal back volumes. The non-book collections include material like audio/video cassettes and CD ROM discs. It has a separate collection of prescribed textbooks under 'Book Bank' for the exclusive use of students.

The Central library currently subscribes to around 100 scholarly journals in sciences, engineering and humanities.

The library provides various services for its members such as - Lending of books and journal back volumes, reservation of books, inter-library loan, document delivery, photocopying, CDROM and Internet services & video screening.

"The library, known as the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), is the heart of the Academic Centre at the Oasys Institute of Technology. It is designed to meet the information needs of the Oasys Institute of Technology community and is also the source for news on the latest developments in Engineering & Technology, Business and Management."

All the library activities are computerized, including bar-coded ID cards and separate On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) terminals for searching books in the library. Some of the major services rendered by the library are reference, reprographic, bibliographic, document delivery, Data Search Facilities, resource sharing etc...

The library working hours are from 9 AM to 6PM on weekdays and 9 AM to 5.30 PM on Saturdays, Sundays & holidays.

The extremely well stocked library is regularly updated with the latest journals and newsletters.


  • Library aims to be one of the best among the Engineering College Libraries
  • Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty.
  • Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.



Library serves as a resource center and aims to develop a comprehensive Collection of books, journals and e-resources useful for users and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge



  • Extend support to teaching ,learning and research initiatives of the college
  • Provide career employment information resources to the users
  • Provide access to Internet, OPAC, and e-resources
  • Provide Remote access facility to all users
  • Create a suitable ambience for optimum usage of library resources.
  • Assist in retrieval of reading material.

Sections in Library

  • Acquisition Section.
  • Technical Section.
  • Circulation Section.
  • Periodicals Section
  • Reference Section.
  • E-Library.
  • Reprography